Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Revision theme 4

page 37-40

Ces pages parle de les deux sorts de variations heritees.
1)Variations Continues---Presente un eventail de possibilites
Ex:) Ta taille
2)Variations Discrete---Presente un nombre limite de variations
Ex:) Si tu peux rouleur ta langue ou non
Aussi ca parle de les traits dominants ou recessive.
DOMINANT---Trait herite qui apparait dans la descendance
Ex:) Cheveux Fonces et Yeux Fonces
RECESSIF--- Ententes signees entre plusiers nations dans le monde
Ex:)Cheveux Blonds et Yeux Bleus

Dallas,Elisa et Amanda

Pg. 42 and 43
-Not all characteristics are inherited
-Some depend on the environment
-are not responsible for scars and other injuries that may make you look different
-how active you are can also affect it
-everything you do contributes to how you act and look
-identical twins have almost the same make up
-environmental things can cause genetic mutations
-mutations cause changes in the human structures and cells
-Some times mutated cells can cause cancer

Jessica et Logan

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