Monday, December 7, 2009

A brief historic one atomic models

The British physicist J.J. Thomson has etudie the radiance in the tubes has gaseous decharge. It came some has the conclusion that the rays are currents of particles loads, Thomson has some deuit that they also must contain paricules chargees positively.

1911 Ernest Rutherford, a scientist of New zelande, has traville some time has the Universite McGill, has montreal. It has emis the hypothese that almost the whole mass of the atom etait contcentree in his center, also calls drowned atomic.

The Danish physicist Niels Bohr has ete 'eleve of Rutherford. These two scientific representaient the atom by a modelreduit of the solar ststeme: the electrons revolve around the kernel has the moniere of the planetes around the sun.

Several physicists, of which the Francais louis of Broglie and the Austrian Erwin Schrodinger, have refines again more models it atomic structure. These cherchaurs thought all that the electrons pe.ossedent differents levels of energy.

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